At most companies, customers' needs are not high on the list of factors driving supply chain strategy. In this excerpt from his new book, Dr. J. Paul Dittmann of the University of Tennessee explains the potentially costly consequences of that policy.
Paul Dittmann, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Global Supply Chain Institute at the University of Tennessee Knoxville's Haslam College of Business.
When you begin the hard work of developing a supply chain strategy for your company, should you start with an analysis of your suppliers and work logically forward through the supply chain, just as material physically flows through it? Or should you start with your customer's needs and work backward?
Article Figures
[Figure 1] Main drivers of supply chain strategy decisionsEnlarge this image
In my career in industry, I developed supply chain strategies starting both on the supply side and on the demand side. In my experience, the two approaches yield very different results. Starting on the supply side focuses strategy teams initially on determining supply chain best practices and on developing a strategy to appropriately employ those best practices from the vendor base to the firm, and finally out to the customer. This approach certainly is not all bad. Starting with the customer, by contrast, concentrates the supply chain strategy on responding to the needs of the customers and on determining how best to satisfy those needs all the way back to the vendor base. Does it matter which strategy you follow? You bet it does, as we'll show later—but first, a few statistics.
Supply chain strategy drivers
According to our database at the University of Tennessee, 85-90 percent of supply chain strategies use the supplier-forward approach. These strategies start with an analysis of best practices on the supply side and work forward to the customer. This was clearly evident when we recently surveyed 40 supply chain executives, whose firms range from retailers to manufacturers and vary in size from nearly US $1 billion in annual sales to over $50 billion, and asked them to indicate the main drivers of their supply chain strategy decisions. Their answers are shown in Figure 1.
These results indicate that understanding best practices on the supply side of the supply chain is the biggest driver of supply chain strategy decisions. Customer needs, as a strategy driver, is in fifth place.
It makes a lot of sense to me that the supplier-forward approach would be more popular. Launching a study of best supply chain practices is "supply chain stuff," and we supply chain professionals love digging into and learning more about our own area of expertise. It's our comfort zone, and we feel at home nestled in this cocoon. Unfortunately, that's where many of us stay or get stuck, and the customer becomes an afterthought.
When the customer comes last, two dangerous possibilities emerge. Either the company fails to meet the requirements of the customer, or it over-engineers in an attempt to adopt generalized best practices without taking the time to find out what is necessary and what is overkill.
While understanding the customer helps companies provide the right amount of product at the right time and in the right place, it requires a shift in mindset for many supply chain professionals. In a recent supply chain assessment for a manufacturer of a product that is used in residential housing and sold commercially, we almost never heard the customer mentioned. When we specifically asked one supply chain executive about the needs of the customer, he shrugged and said, "The sales folks are watching out for that." His perspective is not unique.
But who is the customer? Leading companies answer this question by looking not only at the next upstream point in their supply chains, but also to the end consumer of their products. For example, when I was at Whirlpool, we saw retailers like Lowe's and Sears as customers, and we viewed their customers, the general public, as our end consumers. We considered the needs of each to be equally vital but somewhat different from a supply chain viewpoint.
Starting with the customer gives a company a clear sense of the needs they are fulfilling and how those needs may be changing, as well as some insight into what will be required to continue to fulfill them through the planning horizon. Those requirements then need to be considered and balanced with the other key metrics that most companies use to assess supply chain performance. After all, supply chain professionals tend to be evaluated on a scorecard that includes more than customer service. Specifically, supply chain executives have at least two other major metrics, namely, cost and working capital (inventory). Leading companies look for ways to balance these three factors and meet their goals in each area. They want to serve the customer well, but they generally must meet very aggressive operating cost and inventory goals too.
In a recent supply chain assessment, we reviewed a company's North American supply chain strategy and noted that this company, like many, considered the customer to be a secondary concern. Its strategy focused on best practices in supply chain systems and processes. The senior supply chain executive posed an interesting and probably rhetorical question: "Does focusing the supply chain strategy on the customer mean that cost and working capital goals take a back seat?" He quickly added, "Of course, the reality of business today demands that we address all three simultaneously. We constantly react to aggressive demands by sales to take care of specific customer needs. Sales watches out for the customer. Sure, we in supply chain need to react, but at the lowest possible cost and inventory."
Know your customers' plans
We believe that the strategy development effort absolutely should start with the customer's needs. But that doesn't mean abandoning best-practice considerations. Nor does it mean that the strategy ignores the company's and its shareholders' needs in order to also achieve world-class levels of cost and working capital.
Starting with the customer may be unfamiliar ground for you, as it was for me. But customers should be regularly assessed to identify both their present and their future supply chain requirements. Failure to do so can lead to unforeseen and very costly consequences.
For example, a large retail customer supplied by a manufacturing company planned in two years to reduce the number of distribution centers (DCs) it maintained, and instead require its suppliers to deliver directly to many of its retail stores. The manufacturer's supply chain vice president told us that his company found out about the coming change when he interviewed the retailer as part of the strategic planning process, and that he probably found out at least a year before any official announcement. The change would require his company to increase the number of delivery locations from eight distribution centers, to four DCs and 386 store locations. This clearly represented a massive change in distribution requirements, and it required an aggressive and strategic response.
In another case, a supplier found that one of its large customers was close to launching a major electronic commerce initiative and would expect the supplier to provide delivery directly to consumers' homes. The manager of logistics told us, "We were blindsided by this request. Did not see it coming. We have no experience doing home deliveries. That's a whole new ballgame." Only by conducting an ongoing dialogue with your customers will you have the lead time you need to respond to these kinds of changes.
Other companies have found that customers' inventory sensitivity should be closely monitored for changes. Some retailers are hypersensitive to working-capital and cash-flow considerations, and some are not. Some require their vendors to carry inventory for them and to serve them quickly. Others believe that they need their own DCs in order to control the fill rates to their customers, and they can tolerate less frequent deliveries.
One manufacturer found that its customers' stock-keeping unit (SKU) strategies needed to be closely surveyed when one of its customers abruptly communicated its plan to greatly expand its SKU offerings beyond the limited set carried in a nearby warehouse. Because a major SKU expansion was in the offing, the manufacturer needed a strategy to deal with that.
As suggested by the experience of the companies mentioned above, a few of the questions manufacturing firms should routinely ask about their customers include:
Will they expect suppliers to hit very narrow delivery windows in the future?
What will be their future policy regarding returns?
What are their policies regarding packaging and damage?
Will they want special labeling or other customization of products?
Will they require special delivery services for their emerging electronic commerce business?
Will they radically change their network, such as reducing the number of DCs and increasing direct-to-store deliveries?
Will they change their inventory policy and expect their suppliers to carry much more of the inventory?
Will they want an expansion in SKUs?
These questions may seem tactical, but they could lead to the development of costly and complex new supply chain capabilities. Questions like these will be critical to your supply chain strategy.
End consumers are a completely different challenge. Retailers must understand the needs of their end consumers, and many manufacturers could benefit from understanding consumer supply chain needs as well. Firms need to anticipate how end consumers will behave in the future, and then use that forecast as critical input in determining what new supply chain capabilities they will need to create in light of those trends.
For example, one large retailer surveyed its customers and used that information to identify seven major consumer trends that would impact its supply chain strategy. They were:
The time-pressured customer who wants a faster shopping experience in a smaller format;
The aging customer who desires a friendlier shopping experience that is not physically challenging;
Customers who are technologically savvy and want to combine store purchases with online supplements;
The "" (electronic commerce) era, with more shopping online;
Social networking, with impacts not yet fully understood;
"Green" sensitivity in customers who prefer products that are made, packaged, transported, used, and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way;
Greater responsiveness to exciting in-store marketing.
In summary, companies should begin their supply chain strategy planning by understanding the needs of their customers, and then working back through their supply chain to identify the capabilities they will need to develop in order to delight those customers.
Note:Supply Chain Transformation: Building and Executing an Integrated Supply Chain Strategy, published by McGraw Hill Professional Books, lists for US $40 in hardcover, and is also available as an e-book.
Just 29% of supply chain organizations have the competitive characteristics they’ll need for future readiness, according to a Gartner survey released Tuesday. The survey focused on how organizations are preparing for future challenges and to keep their supply chains competitive.
Gartner surveyed 579 supply chain practitioners to determine the capabilities needed to manage the “future drivers of influence” on supply chains, which include artificial intelligence (AI) achievement and the ability to navigate new trade policies. According to the survey, the five competitive characteristics are: agility, resilience, regionalization, integrated ecosystems, and integrated enterprise strategy.
The survey analysis identified “leaders” among the respondents as supply chain organizations that have already developed at least three of the five competitive characteristics necessary to address the top five drivers of supply chain’s future.
Less than a third have met that threshold.
“Leaders shared a commitment to preparation through long-term, deliberate strategies, while non-leaders were more often focused on short-term priorities,” Pierfrancesco Manenti, vice president analyst in Gartner’s Supply Chain practice, said in a statement announcing the survey results.
“Most leaders have yet to invest in the most advanced technologies (e.g. real-time visibility, digital supply chain twin), but plan to do so in the next three-to-five years,” Manenti also said in the statement. “Leaders see technology as an enabler to their overall business strategies, while non-leaders more often invest in technology first, without having fully established their foundational capabilities.”
As part of the survey, respondents were asked to identify the future drivers of influence on supply chain performance over the next three to five years. The top five drivers are: achievement capability of AI (74%); the amount of new ESG regulations and trade policies being released (67%); geopolitical fight/transition for power (65%); control over data (62%); and talent scarcity (59%).
The analysis also identified four unique profiles of supply chain organizations, based on what their leaders deem as the most crucial capabilities for empowering their organizations over the next three to five years.
First, 54% of retailers are looking for ways to increase their financial recovery from returns. That’s because the cost to return a purchase averages 27% of the purchase price, which erases as much as 50% of the sales margin. But consumers have their own interests in mind: 76% of shoppers admit they’ve embellished or exaggerated the return reason to avoid a fee, a 39% increase from 2023 to 204.
Second, return experiences matter to consumers. A whopping 80% of shoppers stopped shopping at a retailer because of changes to the return policy—a 34% increase YoY.
Third, returns fraud and abuse is top-of-mind-for retailers, with wardrobing rising 38% in 2024. In fact, over two thirds (69%) of shoppers admit to wardrobing, which is the practice of buying an item for a specific reason or event and returning it after use. Shoppers also practice bracketing, or purchasing an item in a variety of colors or sizes and then returning all the unwanted options.
Fourth, returns come with a steep cost in terms of sustainability, with returns amounting to 8.4 billion pounds of landfill waste in 2023 alone.
“As returns have become an integral part of the shopper experience, retailers must balance meeting sky-high expectations with rising costs, environmental impact, and fraudulent behaviors,” Amena Ali, CEO of Optoro, said in the firm’s “2024 Returns Unwrapped” report. “By understanding shoppers’ behaviors and preferences around returns, retailers can create returns experiences that embrace their needs while driving deeper loyalty and protecting their bottom line.”
Facing an evolving supply chain landscape in 2025, companies are being forced to rethink their distribution strategies to cope with challenges like rising cost pressures, persistent labor shortages, and the complexities of managing SKU proliferation.
1. Optimize labor productivity and costs. Forward-thinking businesses are leveraging technology to get more done with fewer resources through approaches like slotting optimization, automation and robotics, and inventory visibility.
2. Maximize capacity with smart solutions. With e-commerce volumes rising, facilities need to handle more SKUs and orders without expanding their physical footprint. That can be achieved through high-density storage and dynamic throughput.
3. Streamline returns management. Returns are a growing challenge, thanks to the continued growth of e-commerce and the consumer practice of bracketing. Businesses can handle that with smarter reverse logistics processes like automated returns processing and reverse logistics visibility.
4. Accelerate order fulfillment with robotics. Robotic solutions are transforming the way orders are fulfilled, helping businesses meet customer expectations faster and more accurately than ever before by using autonomous mobile robots (AMRs and robotic picking.
5. Enhance end-of-line packaging. The final step in the supply chain is often the most visible to customers. So optimizing packaging processes can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and support sustainability goals through automated packaging systems and sustainability initiatives.
That clash has come as retailers have been hustling to adjust to pandemic swings like a renewed focus on e-commerce, then swiftly reimagining store experiences as foot traffic returned. But even as the dust settles from those changes, retailers are now facing renewed questions about how best to define their omnichannel strategy in a world where customers have increasing power and information.
The answer may come from a five-part strategy using integrated components to fortify omnichannel retail, EY said. The approach can unlock value and customer trust through great experiences, but only when implemented cohesively, not individually, EY warns.
The steps include:
1. Functional integration: Is your operating model and data infrastructure siloed between e-commerce and physical stores, or have you developed a cohesive unit centered around delivering seamless customer experience?
2. Customer insights: With consumer centricity at the heart of operations, are you analyzing all touch points to build a holistic view of preferences, behaviors, and buying patterns?
3. Next-generation inventory: Given the right customer insights, how are you utilizing advanced analytics to ensure inventory is optimized to meet demand precisely where and when it’s needed?
4. Distribution partnerships: Having ensured your customers find what they want where they want it, how are your distribution strategies adapting to deliver these choices to them swiftly and efficiently?
5. Real estate strategy: How is your real estate strategy interconnected with insights, inventory and distribution to enhance experience and maximize your footprint?
When approached cohesively, these efforts all build toward one overarching differentiator for retailers: a better customer experience that reaches from brand engagement and order placement through delivery and return, the EY study said. Amid continued volatility and an economy driven by complex customer demands, the retailers best set up to win are those that are striving to gain real-time visibility into stock levels, offer flexible fulfillment options and modernize merchandising through personalized and dynamic customer experiences.
Geopolitical rivalries, alliances, and aspirations are rewiring the global economy—and the imposition of new tariffs on foreign imports by the U.S. will accelerate that process, according to an analysis by Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
Without a broad increase in tariffs, world trade in goods will keep growing at an average of 2.9% annually for the next eight years, the firm forecasts in its report, “Great Powers, Geopolitics, and the Future of Trade.” But the routes goods travel will change markedly as North America reduces its dependence on China and China builds up its links with the Global South, which is cementing its power in the global trade map.
“Global trade is set to top $29 trillion by 2033, but the routes these goods will travel is changing at a remarkable pace,” Aparna Bharadwaj, managing director and partner at BCG, said in a release. “Trade lanes were already shifting from historical patterns and looming US tariffs will accelerate this. Navigating these new dynamics will be critical for any global business.”
To understand those changes, BCG modeled the direct impact of the 60/25/20 scenario (60% tariff on Chinese goods, a 25% on goods from Canada and Mexico, and a 20% on imports from all other countries). The results show that the tariffs would add $640 billion to the cost of importing goods from the top ten U.S. import nations, based on 2023 levels, unless alternative sources or suppliers are found.
In terms of product categories imported by the U.S., the greatest impact would be on imported auto parts and automotive vehicles, which would primarily affect trade with Mexico, the EU, and Japan. Consumer electronics, electrical machinery, and fashion goods would be most affected by higher tariffs on Chinese goods. Specifically, the report forecasts that a 60% tariff rate would add $61 billion to cost of importing consumer electronics products from China into the U.S.