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Leadership is a mindset

You don't become a leader just by being appointed to a specific position. It requires skill, a willingness to listen, and traits like honesty, empathy, and tact.


Mentoring: A big commitment, with big rewards

Thinking about becoming a mentor? Here are some guidelines for developing and maintaining a successful relationship that will benefit both mentor and mentee.


Stop the "energy crisis"!

Your personal energy is the foundation of everything you do as a supply chain professional. Here's some advice on how to take care of yourself so you can be at your best.


This year, just say no

Instead of resolving to do more this year, resolve to stop doing the things that get in the way of focusing on your long-term goals and plans.


How to thrive in times of transition

Learning how to adapt to change is a necessary ingredient for success, both in business and in your career.


Build your professional "brand"

If you want to have a successful career as a supply chain professional, it's important that you focus on building and marketing an exceptional professional brand.


Supply chain specialist or generalist: Which is right for you?

Specialize, and you might get "locked in" to a particular area of responsibility. Broaden your knowledge and experience, and you could move further up the career ladder.


Should I stay or should I go?

When is it the right time to change jobs? Here are some recommendations that can help you decide whether and when to make a move.